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Hausarbeit Analysis and Comparison of Culture X and Culture Y (engl.)

Relativ freie Themenauswahl: 

(Wichtig: Kulturtheorie muss angewendet werden z. B. Hall, Hofstede, Trompenaars, Thomas, GLOBE)

Thema:  Analysis and  Comparison of Culture X and Culture Y

(on the Basis of Cultural Theories and Practical Examples)

•           with     the       Aim      of         Improving        the       Performanceof          an Intercultural ProjectTeam

•           with     the       Aim      of         Crafting           an Adequate   Marketing Strategy     for       …

•           with     Special Focus on Negotiation          Strategies

=>Choose YOURspecial focus

+title page

+table of contents

+lists(figures, tables, abbreviations)

---      textbody:8-10 pages---

+list of sources (at least 4 books)


1.            Introduction

2.            Cultural Theory (which+ why) + definitions             related to            topic                   (optional)

3.            Analysis of cultures x and            then      y (on the basis of picked              theory)

4.            Comparison       of            cultures               x+y        (with       reference           to            chapters             2+3)

5.            Applied Learning: What do your findings from      chapters             3+4 mean           for your practical               focus                (e. g. intercultural            team, marketing, negotiation)

6.            Conclusion

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8-10 Seiten (Din A4)
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